Listing posts by year
Last updated Jan 4, 2025
The content here is under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license
10 posts in 2024
- Testing ReactJS Context - A Comprehensive Guide with test-doubles
- Global day of code retreat Madrid - CraftersMadrid + Iberia
- Reflections on Software Crafters Barcelona 2024
- The differences between frontend and backend for TDD
- Searching for the type of tests
- Fetching data with ReactJs using Pokemon API
- What is testing? - A brief introduction to software testing
- A gentle introduction to TDD
- Opening a new area of research: The intersection between TDD and test smells, where are we and where are we going to?
- What would I do if I had to learn Laravel again after years of not using it?
13 posts in 2023
- Code retreat 2023 - a debriefing
- The history of test doubles
- Product Management For Dummies a Review
- Live coding with web workers an experimental code kata
- Tidy first? Software design by Kent Beck
- Cracking the Code: Unveiling the Traits of a Great Software Engineer - Paper Review
- Modular Programming in Java 9 - Build large scale applications using Java modularity and Project Jigsaw
- Web Workers to the Rescue – How to Work with JSON Strings without Blocking User Interactions
- A Deep Dive into Vue.js Composition API: My Personal Handbook
- The lack of leadership and the focus on process in an agile environment
- Is there a testable architecture?
- Navigating Challenging Dialogues: A Thoughtful Review of 'Difficult Conversations'
- Combining Vitest and Testing Library for Maximum Efficiency
24 posts in 2022
- For Loops in Test Cases or Multiple Assertions?
- Escape velocity, better metrics for agile teams - Review (Lead time, Delivery frequency, Cycle time, Cumulative Flow Diagram, Code quality, Team joy and Forecasting)
- jest-clipboard for Clipboard API Testing Success
- Measure what matters (OKRs) - The Simple Idea that Drives 10x Growth - Review
- Visual user story slicing - O’Reilly video course - my notes
- Strategic monolith and microservices - Driving Innovation Using Purposeful Architecture
- Seamless Tweeting: Integrating Twitter API with OAuth 1.0 using Kotlin and Spring Boot Social
- AZ-204 - Developer associate - Study guide notes
- AZ-204 Developer Associate: Navigating Azure Service Connectivity and Consumption
- AZ-204 Developer Associate: Troubleshooting and Monitoring Azure Solutions
- AZ-204 Developer Associate: Securing Azure Solutions for Developers
- AZ-204 Developer Associate: Exploring Azure Storage Solutions for Developers
- AZ-204 - Developer associate - Compute solutions
- TDD anti-patterns - episode 6 - The one, The peeping Tom, The Flash and The Jumper - with code examples in java
- Hexagonal architecture - Another way to the hexagone
- TDD anti-patterns - episode 5 - The stranger, The operating system evangelist, Success against all odds and The free ride - with code examples in javascript and python
- TDD anti-patterns - episode 4 - The greedy catcher, The sequencer, Hidden dependency and The enumerator - with code examples in javascript, python and php
- Exploring consume driven contract testing
- Katas - why, when and how
- TDD anti-patterns - episode 3 - the nitpicker, the secret catcher, the dodger and the Loudmouth - with code examples in javascript, kotlin and php
- Adventures on vue.js and data visualization - episode 2
- Impact mapping
- TDD anti-patterns - episode 2 - the mockery, the inspector, the generous leftovers and the local hero - with code examples in javascript, kotlin and php
- 2021, a year of reading
38 posts in 2021
- 2021 in numbers
- A working skeleton to get started with outside-in TDD
- Adventures on vue.js and data visualization - episode 1
- The Cognitive Code Vault: Exploring Memory and the Programmer's Brain
- Migrating to microservices databases by Edson Yanaga - Migration and technical challenges
- Sharing tailwind 2.2 config elsewhere for variable access like spacing
- Not so popular git commands
- Elevate Your JSON Formatting Experience: Meet the Privacy-Focused Companion Tool
- That's my keyboard kit - a walk-through, custom AKKO 3068
- Cultivating Quality Code - A Comprehensive Review and Notes on 'Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests'
- Developer productivity with the keyboard - My most used vim key bindings
- TDD anti-patterns - the liar, excessive setup, the giant, slow poke - with code examples in javascript, kotlin and php
- Terraform HashiCorp certification - infrastructure as code, the udemy course companion
- TDD revamped, five years and many more to come
- Delving into Extreme Programming: An In-depth Review of 'Extreme Programming Explained' (2nd Edition)
- My technical reading path - Software engineering journey
- Driving Organizational Excellence: A Comprehensive Book Review and Personal Insights on 'Accelerate - Building and Scaling High-Performing Technology Organizations'
- On one hundred percent code coverage - how to approach coverage and void misusing it
- Kubernetes quick notes deployment (WIP)
- Jest asserts beyond equals - tips for improving assertions
- How to lose your developers - Mindmap around software development, what not to do to lose developers
- Jest timers and reactjs - A use case for using jest time related functions
- Firebase UI localization - Tutorial on how to setup the translated web version
- 2020, a year of reading - Tech leadership, software architecture, mathematical thinking, algorithms and XP
- Mapping IR emitter module KY-005 sensor/receiver module KY-022-IR sensor - A tutorial for raspberry pi
- AWS cloud practitioner notes, my personal path towards the CLF-C02 based on three pillars - official material, online course and self test
- Towards a reactjs folder structure based on intent
- Node.js certification JSNAD - Readable streams, Writable streams, Duplex streams, Transform streams and Passthrough
- AWS cloud practitioner notes - The cloud journey
- AWS cloud practitioner notes - Migration and innovation
- AWS cloud practitioner notes - Pricing and support
- AWS cloud practitioner notes - Monitoring and Analytics
- AWS cloud practitioner notes - Security
- AWS cloud practitioner notes - Storage and databases
- AWS cloud practitioner notes - Networking
- AWS cloud practitioner notes - Infrastructure and reliability
- AWS cloud practitioner notes - EC2
- Creating web firebase app (browser based not server)
17 posts in 2020
- Deploying git bot release to AWS lambda
- Mocks, dummies, spies, fakes - testing your code
- My setup for web development, 2020 edition - Vim, linux, zsh, tmux, Jetbrains and docker
- Production-Ready microservices - Book review and my personal notes
- Software architecture patterns - Layered, Event-driven, Microkernel, Microservices, Space-based and CQRS
- Rethinking legacy code and testing
- Clean code and the art of readable code a brief summary
- Learning how to learn
- Setting up an API skeleton, what should I take into consideration? - Routing, Persistence and Caching
- Git release bot - PART 1
- Lambda (AWS) - first impressions
- ReactJs patterns - A study based on google search
- Getting started with testing (PHP and javascript) - PART 1
- Clean architecture - Hexagonal architecture, Screaming architecture, DCI, BCE
- Thoughts on REST API's
- Tips for writing docker files
- PHP import checker - VScode extension to support PHP developers
6 posts in 2019
- Configuring reactjs and relay 2019 version
- MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu 19.04 and 19.10
- e2e testing with Cypress, ReactJs + Redux and Firebase
- Introduction to OOP with PHP (Classes, Encapsulation, Inheritance)
- Strategies to test legacy code - PART 1
- Errors compiling PHP 7.2 from source on a Raspberry Pi
6 posts in 2018
- Introduction to Service Worker
- 30 days of VIM - One month after
- SIM800L tracking your IoT device
- Setting up GPS NEO 6 sensor
- 30 days of VIM - One week after
- 30 days of VIM
7 posts in 2017
- Introduction to Easy CRUD - Laravel
- PHPUnit coverage on vagrant
- Queues and slow jobs with Laravel
- Custom validator with Laravel 5 + (5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and 6.0)
- Is specification important?
- Intel Galileo and Debian
- Running PHP with Arduino
9 posts in 2016
- Laration - A simple way to visualize your configs
- Laravel the right way (PART 2 - Modules) - 10 Laravel meetup
- Laravel the right way (PART 1) - 10 Laravel meetup
- 9º Laravel Meetup
- Bringing PHP and IoT together
- Requirements Engineering - A tool for Use Case
- S.O.L.I.D - Practices for Object Oriented Programming (code examples in PHP)
- Continuous PHP
- ZCPE 5.5 here we go – PHP Streams (Files/Http)
26 posts in 2015
- Is TDD dead ?
- Software engineering, in the developer's hand?
- Continuous Delivery - Foundation, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, Implementing a test strategy, build and deployment scripting, the commit stage
- Algorithms, Algorithms, Algorithms .... Oh Wait!
- Phing ? Automate all the things ! - Practical example
- Phing? Automate all the things!
- ZCPE 5.5 here we go – PHP Basics (Language constructs)
- ZCPE 5.5 here we go - PHP Basics (Variable variables)
- GitHub badges! (PHP repository) - Tutorial with Travis and GitHub
- ARE YOU NOT USING TDD?! – PART 2 (Legacy code)
- Stop complaining, do it now.
- Building Real-Time Applications with Raspberry Pi and PHP Sockets: Unleashing the Power of WebSockets and HTML5
- Getting started with Xpath
- The definitive guide to HTML5 WebSocket
- WebSocket - HTML5
- Bitwise operators – The Journey Part II
- Design Patterns Made Easy - A Review of Head First Design Patterns Head first
- Bitwise operators - The Journey
- Converting Hexadecimal(16) to Decimal(10)
- Demystifying PHP Design Patterns - A Review of the Industry Standard Guide
- Raspberry Pi - Meeting the RPi-Cam-Web-Interface
- PHP basics, are you sure? So tell me how to use octal system!
- TDD by example
- Are we front-end/back-end developers?
- The Art of Readable Code