Mocks, dummies, spies, fakes - testing your code
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Testing code has different definitions and sometimes can mean different things to different people, however, the hidden convention that sticks until today is “mocking”, regardless of the type of test double. In 2007, Martin Fowler blogged about the differences between mocks and stubs [1], despite the efforts in making the differences apparent for developers, “mock” is what is widely used in the day-to-day conversations. The content that follows is a collection of easy-to-come-back definitions of mocks, dummies, stubs, spies and fakes with code examples in typescript.
Mocks/Test doubles
Mock is frequently used interchangeably with the term test double, mock is often used for people who didn’t read the paper definition of mock. Then, developers got used to the term mock instead of test double. According to Uncle Bob, mocks refer to the whole family of objects that are used in tests [2]. On the other hand, Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce[3] define this technique as “substitutes” or “mock objects”. The following picture from Santos et al. [4] depicts visually the different types of test doubles:
Despite the family of mocks and its definition, the goal of using this technique is to test a unit of code in isolation, without touching its dependencies. Spadini et al. [5] investigated empirically three open source projects and one industrial project and found that developers mock external dependencies in the code, the projects use were using Java.
In that sense, the sections that follow are a walk-through of each of the test-double with examples in Typescript and Jest. Some snippets can be run directly on this page through CodePen, for such, modifications to the code had to be made and the runner had to be replaced by jest-lite. The Mars Rover kata was taken as the base example, it is recommended to be familiar with the kata as it will make the examples easier to digest, but it is not compulsory.
You pass in something, and you don’t care who it is used, often the object is not used at all.
Dummy in typescript
class AuthenticatedUser {
class MarsRover {
constructor(user: AuthenticatedUser) { }
execute(command: string) {
return '0:0:E';
describe('Dummy', () => {
it('mars rover should turn right when command is R', () => {
const rover = new MarsRover(new AuthenticatedUser());
const lastPosition = rover.execute('R');
- User authentication (middleware)
- The test doesn’t care how it is used.
- Usually, it is required to make a given code work, for example, authentication.
- parameters of a function
Try to edit the code yourself:
See the Pen Untitled by Marabesi (@marabesi) on CodePen.
Opposed to dummies, stubs are objects created in a way that you don’t care how they are used. For example, to tricky an authorization to test if the user ca/can’t do certain actions in the system.
Stub in typescript
import axios from 'axios';
class Message {
constructor(public position: string) {}
class RoverApiService {
async fetchPosition(roverId: string): Promise<Message> {
const response = await axios.get('http://localhost:42422');
return new Message(
class MarsRoverStub {
constructor(private roverApi: RoverApiService) { }
async fetchRemotePosition(): Promise<string> {
const rover: Message= await this.roverApi.fetchPosition('my-rover')
if (rover.position === '0:0:N') {
return 'waiting';
return '0:0:E';
export class RoverApiServiceSuccess {
async fetchPosition(roverId: string): Promise<Message> {
return new Message('10:10');
describe('Stubs', () => {
it('mars rover should fetch current position from api', async () => {
const rover = new MarsRoverStub(new RoverApiServiceSuccess());
const position = await rover.fetchRemotePosition();
- call to an API with typescript (stub values from JSON)
- Stubs return hard-coded values (predefined ones, success, error, or something different)
- does not record the number of times it was called
See the Pen Stub by Marabesi (@marabesi) on CodePen.
To assert that a method was called by the system under test, as the post by Uncle Bob [2]: “You can use Spies to see inside the workings of the algorithms you are testing”.
Spy in typescript
import axios from 'axios';
class Message {
constructor(public position: string) {}
class RoverApiService {
async fetchPosition(roverId: string): Promise<Message> {
const response = await axios.get('http://localhost:42422');
return new Message(
class MarsRoverSpy {
constructor(private roverApi: RoverApiService) { }
async fetchRemotePosition(): Promise<string> {
const rover: Message= await this.roverApi.fetchPosition('my-rover')
if (rover.position === '0:0:N') {
return 'waiting';
return '0:0:E';
export class RoverApiServiceSuccessSpy {
async fetchPosition(roverId: string): Promise<Message> {
return new Message('0:0:N');
describe('Spy', () => {
it('should verify the call to the api', async () => {
const roverApiServiceSuccess = new RoverApiServiceSuccessSpy();
const spyOn = jest.spyOn(roverApiServiceSuccess, 'fetchPosition');
const rover = new MarsRoverSpy(roverApiServiceSuccess);
const result = await rover.fetchRemotePosition();
- it is mock and stub combined
- Usually, it does not replace the original implementation (it depends on the language)
See the Pen Test-double: spy example by Marabesi (@marabesi) on CodePen.
True mocks
Is interested in the behavior, instead of return of functions. It cares about which functions were invoked, with what arguments and how often.
True mock in typescript
class PositionRepository {
save(position: string) {}
class MarsRoverMock {
constructor(private mockedRepository: PositionRepository) { }
execute(command: string) {'0:0:E');
return '0:0:E';
describe('Mocks', () => {
it('mars rover should store its position whenever a command is sent', () => {
const mockedRepository = {
save: jest.fn()
const rover = new MarsRoverMock(mockedRepository);
See the Pen true mocks by Marabesi (@marabesi) on CodePen.
Fakes have business logic, so they can drive the system under test with different sets of data.
Fakes in typescript
class FakeAuthenticatedUser {
constructor(public name: string) {}
class FakeMarsRover {
constructor(private user: FakeAuthenticatedUser) { }
execute(command: string) {
if ( !== 'Jen') {
return '0:0:E'
return '0:0:N';
describe('Fake', () => {
it('mars rover should turn right when user is Jose', () => {
const rover = new FakeMarsRover(new FakeAuthenticatedUser('Jose'));
const lastPosition = rover.execute('R');
it('user with name Jen should not move rover', () => {
const rover = new FakeMarsRover(new FakeAuthenticatedUser('Jen'));
const lastPosition = rover.execute('R');
- A working implementation of an external library should have the same behavior.
- Sometimes libraries give fakes to help with testing
- For example an in-memory database.
- A specific rule from business can be used
See the Pen Test-double: fakes by Marabesi (@marabesi) on CodePen.
Testing Your Code Quiz
Related subjects
- Use of Test Doubles in Android Testing: An In-Depth Investigation. Last Accessed on 5 Nov 2023.
- Mocks, Fakes, Stubs and Dummies. Last Accessed on 5 Nov 2023.
- A guide to test double in Node.js. Explaining theory and practice on how to ‘mock’ in javascript (CommonJS)
Tech excellence - TDD anti-patterns
In the session with Tech Excellence, we touched on the subject of test doubles as well, the following link is available for the talk:
- Apr 28, 2024 - Added code examples to all sections
- [1]M. Fowler, “Mocks Aren’t Stubs,” 2007 [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 29-Nov-2020]
- [2]R. C. Martin, “The Little Mocker,” 2014 [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 29-Nov-2020]
- [3]S. Freeman and N. Pryce, “Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests,” 2009 [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 08-May-2021]
- [4]P. M. Santos, M. Consolaro, and A. Di Gioia, Agile Technical Practices Distilled: Become Agile and Efficient by Mastering Software Design. Packt Publishing, Limited, 2019 [Online]. Available at:
- [5]D. Spadini, Aniche Maurı́cio, M. Bruntink, and A. Bacchelli, “To mock or not to mock? an empirical study on mocking practices,” in 2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2017, pp. 402–412.