GitHub badges! (PHP repository) - Tutorial with Travis and GitHub
The content here is under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license
Disclaimer : If you don’t know what are badges I’d suggest a quick view to which is a open source project with badges for PHP projects. Also for this post I’m assume you have a experience with GitHub already and know how to commit, push, pull or use GitHub from web interface.
Repository used for this post you can find here. Badges that we’re going to use:
- Build Status
- Coverage Status
- Total Downloads
- Latest Stable Version
- Latest Unstable Version
- License
Final result
Travis CI
First step is go to and click in Sign in with GitHub and Travis will ask you to sign with your GitHub account. Fill the fields Username/Email and Password and click in sign in (Don’t forget to allow Travis in your GitHub account). Now we have to go to our profile in Travis and enable which repository we’re going to build.
If you have any issue doing this follow the step in travis CI website!
We have to tell Travis which configuration we’re going to use and to do that we use a file called .travis.yml and push it to the root of the repository.
- 5.3
- 5.4
- 5.5
- 5.6
- hhvm
- composer install
The last step to use the Build Badge is update the file in your GitHub repository.
1. click on Build Passing in the left side of your repository name and a modal will appear.
- Select which branch you’re going to use
- Select Markdown in the select box
- Copy the text in the text area
- Create a file in your repository called (or just update it if exists) with the copied text in the step 4.
To use coverage badge we’re going to use and as we did with Travis we have to allow coveralls in our GitHub account. Go to and click in Free GitHub Sign-in. After a successful login click in add repos.
Just like Travis select which one you’re going yo use.
To use you must have a test suite. Here we’re going to use phpunit to execute our tests. We must update our .travis.yml file to execute our tests and generate coverage in a XML format for
language: php
- 5.3
- 5.4
- 5.5
- 5.6
- hhvm
- composer install
- mkdir -p build/logs
- phpunit --coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml
- php vendor/bin/coveralls -v
As you can see we add some extra tasks to Travis, just update yours .travis.yml and push it to the repository.
To get coveralls working correctly we should create a file called .coveralls.yml with the following content:
src_dir: .
After that push it to your repository. Otherwise you’ll get an InvalidArgumentException from Travis build:
Now we have Travis working together with We need just to update our with the badge.
- Go to
- Select your repository in the list
- In the rightmost look at the bottom and find Readme Badge and click on it.
- Wen the pop-up shows select the Markdown text
- Update your on GitHub with this text
To follow the next section, your repository must be hosted at otherwise it wont work.
Total Downloads, Latest Stable Version, Latest Unstable Version, License
Now we have our two badges(Build with Travis and Code Coverage with Coveralls) in our repository, but we have 4 badges to be done yet. The reason I left those for last is simple: you can find them at
- Type your repository name in the text box
- Select which you want to and select the Markdown text or click in Copy to clipboard
- Update your in your repository
InvalidArgumentException with Coveralls -
Adding Build Badge with Travis -