Introduction to Easy CRUD - Laravel

Published Sep 21, 2017

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Lately I had the opportunity to implement a basic CMS in the project that I was working on, unfortunately I had the change but not the time needed to achieve that.

What I was looking for:

  1. The package must operate Create, Read, Update and Delete operations
  2. The package must have a dashboard
  3. The package must use Laravel models

Besides that the perfect project would be the one that I could use all the models and the existing database tables of my project.

Given the scenario I started to search packages that could have something like that, and I found a few interesting ones:

Both are the most famous CRUD packages in the Laravel world. They are amazing and have many features ready to use. But as it looks really good, for me it was too much and both needs to handle with database migrations - probably it is something to store user preferences or something like that.

As I was testing those packages I notice that the setup was not so hard, actually it was simpler than I thought but I wasn’t able to use the database tables that I already had in my Laravel project.

Easy CRUD - intro

Easy CRUD github

Well, as I couldn’t find a project that fits my need I decided to start Easy CRUD. Easy CRUD is a project that generates a dashboard and CRUD operations to Laravel models.

The cool thing is that you don’t need anything extra such as migrations, Easy CRUD uses the existing Laravel project structure.

The focus of the project is to make easy handling existing data in your projects. Nothing specific with business logic but rather, easily create, update and even delete existing data.

Key Easy CRUD features:

  1. Manage data without changing database structure
  2. Use Laravel Models to perform CRUD operations
  3. Middleware is allowed to control access to Easy CRUD routes

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