
The following content is my notes from the course Custom Vue.js 3 Plugins by Daniel Kelly and Alex Kyriakidis.

  • plugins
    • self contained code that adds functionality to vue
    • vue router is a plugin
    • pinia is a plugin
    • floating is a plugin
    • vuetify is a plugin
  • define a plugin
    • object with a install { install() {}}
      • defining as a function it is the install automatically const myPlugin = (app, options) => {}
    • first argument is the app
    • second argument are options
  • register plugin
    • .use(myPlugin)
    • .use(myPlugin, options)
  • .component is used to defined a component that is created by the plugin
  • plugin can be used to create an abstraction over an exsisting library
  • life-cycle
    • onMounted, onUpdated are available inside a plugin - it has the component context
    • onUnmounted prevents memory leaks from our app
  • options are passed to components plugin via provide and inject
    • provide from the options when the plugin is created
    • and inject to use the options in the component
  • global options
    • app.config.globalProperties from app instance (first argument in the plugin)
  • type safe
    • typescript interface with plugin options
    • createMyPlugin is a convention to create vuejs plugins
    • define the options with the typescript interface
      • Partial<Foo> in typescript describe optional elements
  • Bundling (vite)
    • vite has a library setup to distribute libraries
  • custom directives for plugins are allowed as well
    • pinia is an example
    • vitePress to provide documentation for a plugin
    • pull request for awesome vue