Typescript setup
Notes on the course custom directives from vueschool.io by Daniel Kelly and Alex Kyriakidis.
- directives is a special attribute defined by v-
- v-if
- v-show
- v-bind - bind reactive data
- v-on
- receives the callback to be executed
- modifiers
- .prevent
- powerful abstraction
- use only when desired functionality can be achieved via accessing DOM directly.
- v-purple / v-color
- define a function with the prefix v
- in the setup function
- in options API define the function in the block directives
- use __DIRECTIVE__ to avoid collision
- first argument is the element (HTML)
- second argument are the bindings
- bindings.arg is used to define custom argument to a directive
- <p v-color:slow=”[‘blue’]”>a</p>
- bindings.modifiers is used to define custom modifiers
- <p v-colors:slow.underline=”[‘blue’]”>q</p>
- bindings.arg is used to define custom argument to a directive
- life-cycle
- called on mounted and updated by default
- explicitly define mounted, unmounted to have control over resources and not leak them
- real world directives from vue libraries
- vuetify
- define a function with the prefix v