30 days of VIM - One week after

Published Jan 29, 2018

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It’s been one week since I adopted vim as my main editor, and this is the second post about this journey. If you haven’t read the first post yet, click here and be happy.

First impressions

I feel like I have the control over my editor and the navigation is REALLY fast with the w and e letters. The key challenge here (I believe, and I haven’t achieved yet) is to move the navigation from the key arrows (up, down, left and right) to k, j, h and l. As it seems to be weird at first the book Practical Vim from Drew Neil in it’s chapter 8 says that using those keys improves the productivity as your hand won’t leave the home row.

Besides Drew’s book, vimtutor, vim adventures and A byte of vim encourages the same approach.


As I can’t use the home row to navigate yet, to search a string in a file, I would say, is one of the best things to use in vim (which I’ve been using a lot). VScode uses the combination of CMD + F on MAC, while Vim uses the / followed by the desired string.

In the normal mode, just press the key / and type what you want, once finished type enter to confirm the search. Vim will send the cursor to the first occurrence in the file. To go through the next occurrence just press n.

The second type of search is a bit trickier compared to searching for a string in the current file. Vim has different approaches to search a string through files and directories, for me, vimgrep is the one I ended up using the most.

VScode turns it simpler than vim though, you just type CMD + SHIFT + F.

Workspaces and vim GUI

Vim runs directly from the terminal, just open a new window and that’s it. Though it can be a bit limiting, so for every new project a new window is required. As I don’t like to have a bunch of terminals open, I just tried to find something that would fit for me.

The first shot was to find a Mac GUI for vim. The project Mac vim is the most popular, with more than 3k stars but unfortunately I couldn’t stick with it.

The second solution that I found is TMUX, which I am using right now. The good part is that I can divide my terminal in as many part as I want and create new windows inside the existing one.

Finally the recording feature is amazing. It allows you to record a sequence of commands to repeat it later.


For now the biggest change is the workspace shift. Which on VScode I was used to just drag as many folders as I want, save the workspace, and open it again later. The second thing I miss the most is the auto complete. Vim has plugins to auto complete as you type, but at least in my case it was a bit slow, I decided to go without it.

It turns out that is a good way to test your knowledge in the language that you are familiar with, I haven’t had any major problems. If I am not sure about a function in PHP for example, I just go to php.net, the same applies to Javascript, I just go to the MDN documentation and find what I need.

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