3. Types of tests?

When deciding that testing is the right decision and it needs to be done, comes the second big issue, what kind of test do I need to do? This section aims to clarify each type of test and how to apply them, Martin Fowler wrote a good article and explains in his first paragraph:

Its essential point is that you should have many more low-level unit tests than high level end-to-end tests running through a GUI.

The pyramid defines that UI tests are expensive in their execution and unit tests are faster.

Unit tests

Nowadays unit test is (in my opinion) the most used one, and the big reason is that it provides a way to test the unit, which means a very small piece of your application. Is hard to think in a unit when we have to handle HTTP requests, query the database or even validate the data coming, but besides that unit test is the easiest to get started.

In object-oriented programming, a unit means a method. A method is the behavior that an object has and itself can be considered a unit. The interaction of objects is common as well, but for units, we should guarantee that only one thing will be tested at a time.

The simplest example we can demonstrate here is a mathematical operation, where we would have a class called Math and for each operation a method.

class Math
    public function sum($a, $b)
        return $a + b;

    public function multiply($a, $b)
        return $a - b;

Integration tests


Acceptance tests




Load testing