DevOps land

This page serves as a collection of notes and tips on implementing key DevOps tools and techniques, including Docker, Terraform, and Kubernetes. Beyond tools and technical practices, it also highlights the cultural foundation of DevOps: fostering collaboration, breaking down silos between development and operations, and emphasizing shared responsibility for delivering high-quality software.

The content covers essential concepts such as Dockerfile setup, caching, and container networking, as well as infrastructure as code with Terraform and deployment strategies with Kubernetes. These tools are explored not just as technical solutions but as enablers of the DevOps mindset—encouraging automation, continuous feedback, and rapid iteration.

Whether you’re a developer, DevOps engineer, or simply interested in learning more about modern application deployment, this page aims to provide a concise overview of these critical tools and the cultural practices that underpin effective DevOps.

List of content

May 1, 2021

Kubernetes quick notes deployment (WIP)

As opposed to docker that operates on the container level directly, kubernetes has a different approach as such there are a set of steps required to get the application running into the cluster. For example, in docker a simple docker run creates the container and starts it. In kubernetes, first...