Laravel the right way (PART 2 - Modules) - 10 Laravel meetup

Modules are always required by many applications and its not different in PHP, but again, to take this decision there are things to think about. The first is the size of your application, if you have a small app there is no need for modules since it will increase the amount of code and will bring no advantage. The second thing is how you’ like to organize your app, modules give us the ability to isolate responsibilities and instead of talking with classes only we could do the communication between modules.

Unfortunately Laravel doesn’t comes with a modular system, which gave to the community the power to create many packages to get this job done.

In general all of the modules package built to work with Laravel have the following structure:

  ├── Blog/
      ├── Assets/
      ├── Config/
      ├── Console/
      ├── Database/
          ├── Migrations/
          ├── Seeders/
      ├── Entities/
      ├── Http/
          ├── Controllers/
          ├── Middleware/
          ├── Requests/
          ├── routes.php
      ├── Providers/
          ├── BlogServiceProvider.php
      ├── Resources/
          ├── lang/
          ├── views/
      ├── Repositories/
      ├── Tests/
      ├── composer.json
      ├── module.json
      ├── start.php

The example above was taken from nWidart/laravel-modules. I believe that it is the most used packaged in the Laravel community, and the important part here is to notice that with it we have one mini-laravel inside the Modules folder.

The folder Modules is where all modules in your application will leave, and the name Modules is configurable, which means that if you don’t like it you can change to the name you want to.

Custom modules

In case you don’t want to use any solution provided by the community there is the option to implement your own modular system using the service provider that Laravel has, and for that, we have a couple of examples distributed in the web:

I would’t recommend this approach for two reasons, the first is the lack of support that you will get and the second is the extra work to maintain the modular system. Besides that the good part is that you have the power to decide which structure to use or what should your folders be called (far way more customizable).


In general all enterprise applications should use a modular system. It gives all the good parts described here and also the ability to split your team to focus on a specific module.

Although the decision to use or not a modular system must be taken in the beginning of the project, otherwise will be a huge change to implement it once code is running in production(will be big bug not impossible).