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Measure what matters (OKRs) - The Simple Idea that Drives 10x Growth - Review

Measure what matters is a collection of success stories from different businesses that adopted OKRs (Objective-Key-Results) in order to get people aligned and focus on what matters the most for the business. Believe or not this is not as easy as we think, as we will see later on companies struggle with that. John Doer worked at Intel when he was first introduced to OKRs by Andy Grove (as he labelled him the OKRs father) and in this book he describes what the OKRs are made of and why you should use them.

Visual user story slicing - O’Reilly video course - my notes

In an agile environment the way that stories get sliced are key to deliver value and increment the product the team is working on. As such the technique used to split the work and get a continuous flow is key. The story slicing focuses on the vertical slice that can give the most value to the end product as possible.

Strategic monolith and microservices - Driving Innovation Using Purposeful Architecture

Microservices have gotten attention in the industry since its inception. The idea of having independent deployment, scalable services, and rapid interaction was quickly spread across developers and among decision takers in the software community. Therefore, such advantages took more attention than its counterparts, leading to the microservices hype and later on to the reflection on the learning that the community got. For example, some interesting things happened when a big open source project tried adopting microservices and had to go back to the monolith.

Seamless Tweeting: Integrating Twitter API with OAuth 1.0 using Kotlin and Spring Boot Social

Recently I’ve been working on a side project called “Social publisher”, the goal is to allow developers to schedule posts and then having a tool to publish the scheduled content automatically. Some of the tools already in the market does that, but they require paid subscription whenever a limit of scheduled posts has been reached (talking about hootsuite). The idea with social publisher is to avoid such limitations and offer seamlessly sharing tools.

AZ-204 - Developer associate - Study guide notes

Before we start, this is a collection on what I went through to get the 204 certification from azure. The process was similar to the one I did for AWS. The idea is to get some structure on how to get started with the subjects needed to pass the exam. Before anything else a bit of context is always welcome, before taking the exam I started to work with azure services for about one year. Also I feel comfortable on how to navigate the integration between terraform and azure (terraform is not related by any means to azure exam).

AZ-204 Developer Associate: Navigating Azure Service Connectivity and Consumption

Consuming Azure services and connecting to them are responsible for 15% - 20% of the exam, based on the mock exams, most of the questions are related to storage queues, service bus, event grid and API management (policies), this section goes over each service that could potentially appear in a real az-204 exam.

AZ-204 Developer Associate: Troubleshooting and Monitoring Azure Solutions

Azure offer different services to troubleshoot and monitor applications, it might vary based on the type of application you are building. Nevertheless, application insights could be of help to mitigate issues. In this section we will go through those services to better understand their purpose and what they do as well as tips that could be helpful while studying.

AZ-204 Developer Associate: Securing Azure Solutions for Developers

Between 20% and 25% of the az-204 is related to security, knowing what Azure offers regarding security is one of the main goals of the exam. Here, we will go over different services, such as Active Directory (one of the most popular products from Microsoft), ADB2C, encryptions, azure key vault, Authorization, Authentication, App gateway and permissions.

AZ-204 Developer Associate: Exploring Azure Storage Solutions for Developers

Storage is one of the main concepts to get familiar with for AZ-204 and also other exams. In this section we will go over different aspects of the storage account in microsoft and its services, more specifically, the following services; access keys, azcopy tool, blobs, redundancy and cosmosdb.

AZ-204 - Developer associate - Compute solutions

Azure offers different compute services such as Azure VMs, Azure containers, Azure functions, Azure Kubernetes and Azure app services. In this section we will go through the compute solutions that Azure offers as well as share references to specific microsoft documentation where more information can be fetched accordingly. The main goal here is to go over all the compute services that are listed in the exam topics, compute solutions is the biggest portion of the exam in total 25 - 30% of the total).